Friday, January 30, 2009

Che el Argentino a movie to be seen

Che el Argentino a movie which runs for four hour duration so tits been made into two parts. The part one is what I am going speak now. The movie is purely based on a single character. The origin of this character comes from the film motor cycle diaries what I wrote in my previous post. Now coming to this movie’s greatness and the art exhibited by the director, this movie starts some what little slow but as it goes it lifts us from the seat. I don’t want to tell the story of this movie now. Better you folks feel the heat after seeing this movie. The most admired part is that this movie is that it attracts people with least back ground music. The best movie I had ever seen in my life with little or no back ground music yet stands tall. I think the director reduced the music and reduced our distractions in that. So folks see this movie and get a different feel.

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